Al-Anon Online Family Support Group
Every Tuesday Until December 30 at 7:00 pm
We would love to pray for you. We have a committed group of clergy and trusted prayer leaders that will lift up your request throughout the week.
Whatever it is you are facing, we want you to know you are not alone!
Below you can find a listing of the specialized groups we offer.
Every Tuesday Until December 30 at 7:00 pm
Every Wednesday Until April 16 at 6:30 pm
Every Sunday Until April 20 at 4:00 pm
April 1 6:30 - 8:15 pm
April 17 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
How Your contributions to the Compassion Fund are Bringing Hope to Others
We are launching a new group for those who are facing the challenges of caring for loved ones with chronic or terminal illnesses, including, but not exclusive to, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s.
First Tuesday of each month
The Ruth Young Women’s Cancer Support group was established so any woman in the church or community who has received a cancer diagnosis can find hope and support in our faith-based group. Register here.
Please contact Kim McGarr if you have any questions.
If you are battling cancer, we want to help. We will assign a man who has gone through cancer and its treatment to be at the side of someone who is currently fighting that battle.
Please contact Glenn Ray or Kim McGarr if you have any questions.
Are you dealing with anger, depression, infidelity, financial issues, spiritual confusion, problems with children, or just need someone to listen and talk to people who understand your pain and fears? Come to our friendly, confidential, Christ-centered Divorce Care program.
Mt. Bethel offers three series of the GriefShare program. This is a 13-week educational grief support group designed to help individuals constructively deal with their grief following the death of a loved one.
Navigating Your Journey through Grief is a 7-week educational grief support workshop, offered in the spring. Registration typically opens in January and may not be at this time.
Proverbs 11:25 states, “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
If someone has ever shown up at your door with dinner, then you know what a special gift it is. Sonshine Suppers is a ministry that allows those who love to cook to bring love and comfort to someone within the body of Christ. Taking part in this meal delivery ministry gives you an opportunity to not only receive a blessing, but also be a blessing. If you are interested in occasionally planning, cooking, and/or delivering a meal to someone in need, please sign up below, or contact Kim McGarr.
Any active meal needs are posted here.
Do you have news to share with the Mt. Bethel community? If you have an item that you think might belong in the “Joys and Concerns” section of our weekly bulletin, please submit it to Kim McGarr or Glenn Ray. In addition to major life events, such as births, marriages, hospitalizations, and deaths, we’d like to hear about special accomplishments, such as Eagle Scout, college graduation, or any other honors.
If you are going through a rough financial patch, the Compassion Fund may be able to provide short-term assistance. When circumstances allow, our Handy Helpers perform basic home repairs for people who can’t do it themselves.
Please reach out to any of the ministers and let us know how we can help you, or how you can help others.
Tuesdays | 10:30am-noon | Room B109 | Zoom available
ALL ARE INVITED – Don’t know how to knit or crochet? We’ll teach you!
Contact: Ginny Bennett, Coordinator
Call or Text: 770.714.2182 | bennettv62@yahoo.com
Knitting Angels is a group who meets weekly to craft items for donation to various ministries and assistance organizations. Some group members knit, some crochet, and some use a round loom to make the items.
Among the ministries supported are:
Donations of yarn and crafting tools are appreciated as are monetary donations to Mt. Bethel to purchase supplies for use in making the items distributed.
If your particular need requires a minister, our minister-after-hours can be reached at 770.354.5433.