KidCity Missions Collection
February 23 - March 30
Programming for children of all ages, faith walks, and developmental stages.
Six Weeks to Age Two
9:30 and 11am | D Hall
Babies and toddlers are not too young to start learning about God’s love for them. During your child’s time in the nursery they are invited to participate in various activities such as hearing a Bible story, playing games, singing songs, and eating a snack. Email Deon Willis to schedule a tour or learn more.
Age Three to Young Fives
Station34 | 9:30 and 11am | Upper C-Hall
Children engage with large group music, video, and fun activities to reinforce Bible lessons. Following their large group worship, they participate in small group crafts, free play, and snack time in their assigned classrooms. Children are welcome to attend one or both hours; programming is continuous.
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
KidCity | 9:30 and 11am | Fellowship Hall
KidCity is similar to a worship service but specifically geared for kids! Children gather in their small groups by grade. Here they engage in opening activities before moving to large group time. In large group, they pray, worship, play a game, and hear a message. After the message, kids return to their small groups where they participate in age-appropriate activities to reinforce the lesson.
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
KidCamp | 9:30 and 11am | D110
KidCamp is similar to traditional to traditional Sunday School. This tends to be a smaller environment for kids who desire it. Children gather in table groups where they do a few hands-on activities that relate to the day’s message. They then move to the floor for the message, a video, game, and prayer. After the message, kids return to their tables where they complete a few more activities based on the lesson.
Wednesday evenings, we have the following kid’s programming:
► 6 weeks to 4 years: Nursery from 3:15-7:30pm
► K-5th grade: 6:30-7:30pm in Upper Preschool Hall
On Wednesday nights, children who are potty-trained through 5th grade will meet on the upper preschool hall for a fun message combined with games and science experiments. This will be an awesome connection point for kids each week.
PLEASE NOTE: We will not meet during Cobb County School breaks.
Marking "Firsts" in Your Child's Faith Journey
Marking children’s physical “firsts,” such as first steps and first words, is an exciting and memorable part of parenting. Just as important, and just as worthy of celebration, are spiritual firsts, or faith milestones.
These milestones, or rites, help children know they’re growing up as Christians and continually reconnecting to their faith family. Milestones are opportunities for Mt. Bethel Church and parents to partner together to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus.
Welcome families, help with check-in and pick-up, and assist as needed during programming.
Help with crafts and games as directed by staff. No preparation is necessary. (3 and 4-year-olds)
Help kids apply the lesson they learned in Large Group through crafts and activities. (K - Grade 5)
Help lead a small group of elementary kids through activities related to the lesson. The lesson is emailed prior to Sunday.
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