Atlanta (SafeHouse)

Last Tuesday of the Month


Last Tuesday of the Month


All Ages

Mission Partner
Mission Partner

SafeHouse Outreach (SHO) is a nonprofit organization that aims to transition people from homelessness to a point of stability and independent living. Breaking the cycle of poverty by giving a hand-up and not just a hand-out.

We have partnered with SafeHouse Outreach when Opening Our Doors to the homeless and for Urban Nation Retreats, a summer program for youth groups.


Project Description
Project Description

Birthday celebrations: We bring birthday treats, lead birthday singing, and celebrate our friend’s birthdays that month.

Our SafeHouse friends often times express feeling invisible; how people avoid them physically and even avoid eye contact, and how hard it can be to feel like a part of society when society doesn’t acknowledge you. Birthday celebrations are a small way we try to bring dignity and love to those who need it the most.