GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays
November 2, 2024 10:00 - 11:30am
Grieving? Then How Do I Handle the Holidays? If you are grieving the death of a loved one and beginning to wonder how you will deal with the upcoming holidays without the person who died, or perhaps dreading facing those days and looking for a way to escape, you are invited to attend a presentation by the facilitators of our GriefShare program, Dr. Susan Zonnebelt-Smeenge, R.N. and licensed clinical psychologist, and Dr. Robert DeVries, pastor and seminary professor (emeritus). Using GriefShare’s “Surviving the Holidays” video the leaders will suggest and discuss a number of ways you can plan for and manage the approaching holidays, using them as you can as opportunities to grow, but in the process not overwhelm yourself. The meeting will conclude with a candle-lighting ceremony to honor your deceased loved one.
Attendance is open to anyone who is actively grieving or wants to understand more about grief and the holidays. You do not have to be attending GriefShare meetings to come. Light refreshments will be available. This is an opportunity for anyone who lives in the area who is grieving and who would like suggestions to consider for facing the holidays, to join us. We will discuss many helpful tips to help you tackle Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day in a healthy manner. For more information, call 616-780-1082 (Susan), 616-780-5433 (Bob), or Rev. Glenn Ray at 770-971-2880.