Good Friday – Tenebrae Service

April 18 7:00 - 8:00 pm  |  Mt. Bethel Sanctuary

4385 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA, USA

Tenebrae Service – Good Friday | April 18 | 7pm | Sanctuary

Tenebrae is a word from the Latin meaning “darkness.” In this service of light and darkness, we enter into the story of Christ’s passion and crucifixion through scripture readings and songs. With each step we take, each reading is followed by the extinguishing of a candle and the darkness of the evening deepens, until Christ is laid in the tomb and we depart in silence. This is an opportunity to spend hours leading up to the victorious celebration of Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday in contemplation, and provides a deeply meaningful way to prepare ourselves for that glorious morning!

Nursery is available.