Faith Milestone: Fourth Grade Apostles’ Creed
November 10, 2024 9:30 - 10:30am | Sanctuary
The Apostles’ Creed states in simple, scriptural language the essential facts of our faith as God has revealed them, from the creation of the world to eternal life in the world to come.
To support our fourth graders in their faith and understanding, we are inviting all fourth graders to lead the congregation in the Apostles’ Creed during the 9:30 service on November 10 in the Sanctuary. (Fourth graders will be learning the Apostles’ Creed in KidCity during the month prior to this service.)
On November 10, participating students will meet in KidCity at 9:15am to practice the Creed and proceed to the Sanctuary. After leading the Apostles’ Creed early in the service, they will return to KidCity where they may be picked up as usual.