Compassion into Action: The Ripple Effect
Rev. Kim McGarr

The ripple effect is a metaphor to describe how a single action or event can have a series of impacts. Like a stone dropped into water, the effects of an action can multiply and influence other actions and events in sometimes unexpected ways.

Consider this: the ripple effect of financial assistance is like dropping that pebble into a tranquil pond, creating a series of expanding circles that touch everything in its path. Let’s examine the case of Teri, a dedicated mother,  working two to three jobs to sustain her extended family. Across four generations, Teri’s income and support serve as the foundation for her family’s stability. One of Teri’s jobs is as a caregiver to a Mt. Bethel family. Teri does an excellent job supporting the care receiver and the family. Recognizing Teri’s merits and her potential need for support, the Mt. Bethel family collaborates with the Care team to explore avenues for assistance.

In speaking with Teri, the Care team discovers her recent plight of losing her rental home necessitating temporary lodging in a hotel, alongside her vehicle undergoing repairs at a local garage. Consequently, Teri’s ability to sustain her multiple jobs falters, as her transportation is unreliable. In response, the Care team extends their support by facilitating the repair of Teri’s vehicle which, in turn, provides reliable transportation to Teri’s multiple places of employment.

This act of assistance marks the beginning of the ripple effect in Teri’s life. In collaboration with one of our Missions Partners, the Care team endeavors to secure improved living conditions and a stable, affordable residence for Teri and her family.

Your donations to the Compassion Fund have made it possible to assist Teri with reliable transportation, keep her family together, and continue to work with the Mt. Bethel family for whom Teri has been providing caregiver support. In this way, the initial act of financial assistance to Teri rippled through generations, creating positive impacts far beyond the initial gift of assistance.