God calls us to share the good news with those who have not heard it and care for those who have been persecuted for being a disciple of Jesus.

At Mt. Bethel, we are driven by a deep sense of purpose — a purpose that aligns with God’s heart for humanity. As followers of Christ, we are called not only to believe in Him but also to actively spread the good news of His love and salvation to every corner of the earth. One of the core mission sector categories that our church focuses on is reaching the unreached and supporting the persecuted.

The Great Commission:

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations.” This Great Commission extends beyond geographical boundaries and encompasses people groups who have yet to hear the message of salvation. By reaching the unreached, we participate in fulfilling Christ’s mandate, ensuring that His love and truth reach those who have not had the opportunity to encounter Him.

The Unreached:

The term “unreached” refers to people groups with limited or no access to the Gospel. These communities often reside in remote areas or live within closed societies where traditional missionary efforts face significant challenges. Our church understands the immense importance of bringing the message of hope to those who have not yet experienced the transformative power of Christ’s love.

The Persecuted:

Persecution of believers remains an unfortunate reality in many parts of the world. Christians face discrimination, harassment, and even violence due to their faith. Our church recognizes the plight of the persecuted and stands in solidarity with these brave individuals. By offering support and assistance, we aim to alleviate their suffering, encourage their faith, and help them stand firm in the face of adversity.

Faithful Response:

Prayer: Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us with God’s heart and aligns us with His purposes. We are encouraged to intercede for the unreached and the persecuted, asking God to open doors for the Gospel and to comfort those facing persecution.
Missions: Our church actively engages in mission work, partnering with organizations and individuals who have a heart for reaching the unreached. Through strategic planning and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we send missionaries to areas where the Gospel is yet to be proclaimed.
Support: In addition to sharing the Gospel, we are committed to supporting those who face persecution for their faith. This support may include providing practical assistance, raising awareness, and standing alongside the persecuted as they navigate the challenges they encounter.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be His hands and feet in a broken world. The mission sector category of reaching the unreached and supporting the persecuted reflects God’s heart for all people. By actively engaging in this mission, we respond to His call, spreading the message of hope to those who have not heard it and standing in solidarity with those who face persecution. May we be faithful stewards of this sacred task, trusting in God’s guidance and empowerment as we fulfill His purposes.