How to Build a Firm Foundation for Your Kids

A recent study from Gallup found that “8 in 10 parents of Gen Zers say they “often” or “very often” worry about at least one aspect of their child’s life, and 41% say they often worry about multiple areas… The leading sources of parents’ worry include their child’s plans for the future (42%), mental health (40%), experiences at school (40%), physical safety (40%), and experiences on social media (39%).”

It’s normal for parents to worry about their children. And in today’s ever-changing culture, where millions of choices of content are not only readily available at the touch of our fingerprints but are constantly being pushed at consumers at a rate never-before encountered, it’s reasonable for today’s parents to be concerned they aren’t equipped to prepare their children well for living on their own.

“There are so many things today’s kids have to deal with; all kinds of depression, sadness, addiction, sexual promiscuity, etc.,” commented Dr. Jody Ray, Lead Pastor of Mt. Bethel Church, on a recent episode of the “TalkItUp” podcast.

He joined Matt Lake, podcast host and Mt. Bethel Church’s Executive Director of NextGen Ministries, for a discussion on why and how parents can be the spiritual leaders in their homes.

Both men agreed the best way parents can prepare their children for facing today’s culture is by instilling in them a firm foundation of faith in Jesus Christ.

“There’s many different truths they can attach themselves to and ways they can go,” Matt noted. “But scripture is clear: Jesus is the Way and the Truth.” Unlike the ever-changing truths of the world, Jesus never changes, he added.

“If you’re not teaching them [about Jesus], they can get lost in all that culture’s throwing at them.”

“If you’re not teaching your children about Jesus, they can get lost in all that culture’s throwing at them.” 

Jody went on to use the parable of the house built on sand and the house built on rock found in Matthew 7:24-27, comparing the truth of the Bible to the strong foundation of the house built on the rock, enabling it to withstand the wind and rain.

Building a firm foundation of faith for your children requires parents to take their role seriously as the spiritual leaders in their household by establishing rhythms into their family’s routine that demonstrate for their kids what a personal relationship with the Lord looks like.

This includes activities like prioritizing going to church as a family on Sundays, taking communion as a family on Monday mornings, and engaging your children in conversations about life and faith while you build a relationship with them through doing their favorite activities with them.

“There is no greater responsibility of parents than that of being the spiritual leaders for their kids,” stated Jody.

You can learn more about being the spiritual leader in your home by tuning into episode 10 below or on your favorite podcast platform.