3 Reasons You Feel Distant from God (and How to Pray About It!)

God doesn’t want distance between us and Him. It’s why He sent Jesus to pay for our sins and why He invites us to connect with Him through prayer. 

But if that’s true, why do we sometimes feel far from Him? 

Spiritual Emptiness 

If your faith feels dry right now, you’re not alone. Every believer faces desert seasons when spiritual growth seems difficult. Like plants in a drought, our faith can either wither or deepen its roots as we thirst for God. 

The psalmist captures this longing in Psalm 42: 

As the deer pants for streams of water, 
    so my soul pants for you, my God. 
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. 
    When can I go and meet with God? 

Psalm 42:1-2 

This isn’t the prayer of someone overflowing with faith; this is the prayer of someone who is empty and desperate for God’s intervention. Through the words of the Psalmists, we can draw three reasons for spiritual emptiness and find ways to engage with God through prayer. 

1. Significant Loss (v. 3)

The sons of Korah, who wrote Psalm 42, experienced grief tied to their family’s loss of God’s favor (Numbers 16). Loss — whether from death, job changes, or broken relationships — often leads to spiritual emptiness and questions about God’s presence. 

How to Pray: Reflect on God’s past goodness. Thank Him for His faithfulness, love, and provision. Gratitude reminds your soul that He hasn’t left you. 

2. Idolatry (v. 7)

The Psalmists then describe feeling overwhelmed–a sign of misplaced priorities. When we elevate other things above God, we create unnecessary distance. These “little g” gods can never satisfy like He can, leaving us anxious and exhausted. 

How to Pray: Like in verse eight, you need to remind yourself of God’s sovereignty. Ask Him to reveal idols in your life. Repent and surrender those priorities to Him, trusting His will above your own.

3. Unrepentant Sin (v. 10)

Sin separates us from God, not because He abandons us, but because shame convinces us to hide. In addition to the natural consequences of our sinful choices, the enemy uses guilt to keep us feeling unworthy of God’s presence. 

How to Pray: Confess your struggle to God and ask the Holy Spirit for strength to change. Pray His Word back to Him to remind your heart of His grace and redeeming power. 

He Wants to Hear from You 

No matter why you feel distant, remember this: God isn’t hiding from you. He’s ready to draw near and redeem your brokenness for His glory. All you have to do is seek Him. 

This post is inspired by message two of our “40 Days of Prayer” sermon series entitled, “How to Pray When You Feel Empty” by Dr. Jody Ray.