Why Should Christians Share Their Faith?

The Good News is good news, and we’ve been commanded by God to share it. But why? 

Some experts will tell you it’s because evangelism is the only tried and true method of growing the Church, and there is truth behind this statement. As Shane Bishop puts it in the first chapter of his book, That’s Good News,“Trying to grow a church without evangelism is like trying to make water (H₂O) without hydrogen. It can’t be done.” 

But church growth isn’t the reason God has called each of us to evangelism. It’s a byproduct. 

The real reason God has invited us to join Him in His mission of making disciples is the same reason He gave us The Good News in the first place: love. 

Evangelism Is Rooted in God’s Love 

God loves us so much that He couldn’t stand how sin separated us from Him. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, He made a way for us to be reconciled. This reconciliation not only saves us from eternity in hell without Him, but makes abundant life here and now possible 

We don’t follow Christ because we fear hell. We don’t obey Him to earn His love. We share the Good News because His love transforms us, and we want others to experience it too. 

Christ’s Love Compels Us 

As we grow in faith, we become more like Him—loving who and how He loves. The Apostle Paul put it this way: 

“For Christ’s love compels us… that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” —2 Corinthians 5:14-15 

When you truly love Jesus, you will share Him. When you love others, you’ll want them to know Him too. 

Sharing Jesus Is an Act of Love 

Imagine seeing a truck speeding toward your best friend and doing nothing. How much would you have to hate someone to stay silent about salvation? 

God has placed you where you are for a reason—to share the gospel. Your words could be the bridge between someone’s brokenness and abundant life. 

How to Start Sharing the Gospel Today 

  • Listen for struggles. When someone shares a hardship, ask if you can pray for them. 
  • Be generous. A small act of kindness, like giving a new neighbor a restaurant gift card with a church invite, can open doors. 
  • Share how Jesus has uniquely impacted your life to show them how He can change theirs too. 
  • Follow the Spirit’s prompting. He will lead you to people who need hope. 

Who in your life needs to hear the Good News today? 


Inspired by message four of Mt. Bethel Church’s “That’s Good News” sermon series by Dr. Jody Ray. Find resources at our Invitation Stations to encourage and help you in sharing your faith by inviting others to church.