Comfort and Hope | Advent Day 3

Daily Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:1-3

Comfort. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like comfort. Comfort has at least two meanings. As a noun, comfort is defined as a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. It is also defined as the easing or alleviation of a person’s feelings of grief or distress.

In the opening verses of Chapter 40 is Jesus’ prophecy. The message then shifts to comfort and hope. God says that in the future ALL the sins of “Jerusalem” are forgiven. Romans 11:11-17 says that believers and faithful followers of Jesus have been grafted into God’s chosen ones (the Jews). Warfare with God has ended, iniquities are pardoned, “she has received DOUBLE for all her sins.” This reference means complete cleansing of sin. 

God has always had a plan of redemption for us—sinners, descendants of Adam. It is Jesus, and we can rejoice this Advent season that Jesus came at just the right time as a helpless baby, born to poor parents, completely vulnerable to the world. Redemption took human form in Jesus. THIS is the best Christmas present EVER. Those who worship Him in spirit and truth are no longer alienated from God but have become God’s adopted children. This gift of reconciliation is Jesus, and its value is beyond measure. This calls for a BIG celebration! Amen.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your incredible gift of Jesus. As we reflect on His birth and the fulfillment of Your promises, fill our hearts with joy and gratitude. Help us to embrace Your love and redemption fully, living as Your adopted children. Guide us to share this message of hope and reconciliation with others. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.