The Birth of Jesus | Advent Day 2
John Williams

Daily Scripture Reading: Luke 2:6-7

The Lord of lords and King of kings was born into this world in such a humble way. Mary and Joseph had traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to participate in a census. Imagine how difficult the journey must have been, especially given Mary’s pregnancy. Once in Bethlehem, it didn’t get any easier for Mary and Joseph. The town was overrun with people arriving for the census, leaving only a lowly stable available in which the Christ Child would be born. This isn’t what you’d expect for a king. 

Jesus didn’t come into this world with wealth and privilege but in a quiet and inconspicuous way. God chose for His Son to be born in humility and lowliness, identifying with the most vulnerable and marginalized. This shows us what God values and what we should value as well.

We need to be intentional, especially during the Christmas season, to quiet our lives and be open to the unexpected ways of God. This means making room for Christ in our hearts and minds during this season overrun by distractions. Let’s not miss opportunities to identify with the most vulnerable and marginalized in our community, putting aside our own expectations.

As is spoken in Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” May this be a time of recognizing that no matter how difficult the journey has been God has a place for us.

Our significance isn’t found in what the world has taught us to expect, but in our identty with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must make room for Jesus, welcoming Him into the center of our hearts and lives.


Heavenly Father, as I prepare my heart this Advent, I’m reminded of Your Son’s humble birth in Bethlehem. May I be strengthened by knowing You are with me on my journey. Help me open my heart to You more each day, welcoming Your peace and grace into my life, that I may humbly share Your love with a world in need. I pray this in the precious name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.