Our Homes Need Spiritual Leadership

No matter your position in your family, we all have a role to play. 

As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.”

Pope John Paul II

If you turn on the news or scroll through social media, you’ll find there’s no shortage of brokenness. So many households–even the homes of people of faith– are plagued with conflict and chaos. The pressures of today’s culture and attacks from the enemy make it nearly impossible for families to experience peace. 

Here’s a powerful truth: God designed the family not to struggle, but to thrive. 

How are today’s families meant to do this? 

The Importance of Spiritual Leadership in the Home 

On one level, all Christians are called to be spiritual leaders. Spiritual leadership is guiding and nurturing others in a way that leads them to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus.  

We all have a sphere of influence we can leverage to make the gospel known to those around us. Our homes are included in this sphere of influence. No matter your position in your family, you have a role to play in encouraging your loved ones on their faith journey. 

The heads of the household (moms and dads), however, have a weightier responsibility of spiritual leadership in the family, mainly because their unique position already makes them natural leaders to their children.  

The boundaries and example moms and dads set has significant influence in the lives of their kids. In fact, one study found that children with strong family connections were over 49% more likely to flourish. (Columbia University, NYC, 2022) 

Children with strong family connections are over 49% more likely to flourish.

Research also supports the conclusion that students who see their parents prioritizing practicing their faith are less likely to drop out of church than those who do not. (Lifeway Research) 

As Andrew Reilly pointed out on episode 5 of Mt. Bethel’s parenting podcast, “TalkitUp:” “If you want your child to pursue Christ in their life, you need to model what pursuing Christ looks like for them before they get to the point where they are faced with the decision to make the Christian faith their own.” 

Challenge for Spiritual Leaders: What is Your Shechem? 

In Joshua 24, Joshua gathers the Israelites at Shechem–the same place where generations before Jacob had challenged their forefathers to abandon idol worship and commit themselves to the Lord.  

Joshua issues the same challenge, reminding them of who their God is and all that He had done for them up unto that point: 

“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness… But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:14-15 

The same challenge Jacob and Joshua’s generations faced is the same challenge parents face today: putting the Lord first in all things. 

Our culture today is full of “idols” and endless ventures for people to pursue.  Financial security, physical health, mental and emotional health, academic and career success, etc., are all good things for ourselves as individuals and for parents to work towards for their children. But when we pursue these things before pursuing Christ, we’re only setting ourselves up for brokenness, failure, and unsatisfaction. 

We were made to know God, so it makes sense His design for our families is the same. When the heads of our households pursue the Lord first, everything else in the home falls into its rightful place. The home becomes a place where the family experiences the abundant life Jesus promises us when we follow Him. 

What is the thing that you’re constantly rearranging schedules for, giving a significant portion of your household income towards, and regularly discussing with your loved ones? Is it the Lord? 

If it’s not, maybe you need to have a Shechem moment. Maybe you need to get on your knees right now, lay down the idols you’ve been chasing, surrender your family to God, and commit to leading them the way Jesus leads.  

This post is inspired by message one of our “God’s Design: The Family Code” sermon series entitled, “Spiritual Leadership” by Dr. Jody Ray. You can dive deeper into what it looks like to lead your family well by using the study guide we’ve produced for this series. Submit your email here to receive a free eBook version to your inbox.