Peace in Parenting

Let’s be honest: parenting can be chaotic. 

You’re responsible for the well-being and development of another human being. There are so many factors that are beyond your control. Not only does your child have their own free will, but you can’t protect them from outside forces. You’re in charge of equipping your kid for both situations you’ve faced in life and situations they might face but you haven’t. And for every child you have, the responsibility and pressure multiplies. 

For parents of faith, there’s the added obligation of passing down that faith to their sons and daughters. How do you ensure that what they’re taught in church sticks with them? 

There’s also no guidebook or guarantee. As many parenting experts and resources you can find on Google, there’s no one piece of advice or method that’s a “silver-bullet” for raising your children perfectly.  

All of this to say, it’s understandable if you’re experiencing anxiety as a parent.

Encouragement for Parents 

Peace is possible. There will never be a time–even when your children are grown and are on their own–where you won’t feel pressure or responsibility related to their well-being. But no matter what stage of parenting you’re in, or whatever may be affecting your family, you can experience peace. 

“It’s just not true that peace is only when things are calm and without chaos,” Pastor Gaylyn Kelly recently shared on an episode of “TalkitUp,” Mt. Bethel’s monthly parenting podcast. “Peace comes from knowing and being known by God.” 

She offered more encouragement to parents during the episode adding, “You were chosen [by God] to be your child’s parent.” Finding your identity not within your abilities, your performance, or even your child, but in the Almighty God who works all things for His glory and the good of those called according to His purpose, is foundational for experiencing His peace that surpasses understanding. 

Practical Tips for Parents 

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 

There are some practical things parents can do to cultivate peace in their family. These include: 

  • Deciding what the “should” in Proverbs 22:6 looks like in your family and base your rules for your kids from it 
  • Managing your anxiety and other negative emotions well so your child doesn’t feed off it and so he or she has a good example to follow 
  • Praying with and for your spouse (or for single parents, another parent or friend) out loud, consistently 

You can find more encouragement and other practical tips by tuning into the episode below.